Two Bridges Academy

Our TrustOur Trust

Vision and Values

Two Bridges Academy has a clear sense of purpose and our vision and values are at the heart of everything we do.

To provide and promote excellence in specialist education to achieve the best outcomes for every pupil.


Achievement and well-being through excellence.

Support, challenge and recognition will enable every pupil to actively engage in learning and fulfil their potential. They will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to succeed at each stage of their lives and become as independent as they can possibly be.

Every pupil will be included, valued, cared for and treated with dignity. They will be supported to develop skills that promote good mental health and well-being, and grow their self-esteem and confidence. We will cultivate a sense of security and belonging to the academy and the wider community.

The skill and dedication of our staff will be recognised and valued. We will support them to be successful in their roles and to enhance their well-being.

Our collective expertise will be increased by investing in our staff and offering opportunities for professional development. We will be innovative and responsive, adopting evidence-based approaches which meet the needs of our pupils. We will share and promote excellent practice in the SEND community.


Our Values

We act in ways that are consistent with our strong sense of purpose and aligned to our values. We are open and transparent, and committed to doing what is right for our pupils.

We embrace diversity and believe every person has a valuable contribution to make. We act fairly and treat every person with kindness. We strive to empower people.

We build positive relationships by demonstrating credibility, reliability and care. We are transparent and communicate openly. We collaborate to create strong teams and partnerships in order to achieve the best outcomes.

Enable Trust

Enable Trust is a specialist school Trust with a vision to deliver the best quality provision for children with a range of complex co-existing special educational needs.

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